Calculate sample sizes for different types of gene interaction analyses. Work with case-control, case-sibling, case-parent, and case-only designs, manage related content, process the numerical data, and view complete results for decision-making and monitoring.
Quanto, a program to calculate sample size, is available through this website. This program computes sample size or power for association studies of genes, gene-environment interaction, or gene-gene interaction.
Available study designs include the matched case-control, case-sibling, case-parent, and case-only designs. Quanto is a 32-bit Windows application requiring Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, 2003, or Vista to run. The graphical user interface allows the user to easily change the model and view the results without having to edit an input file and rerun the program for every model.
The results of a session are stored to a log file. This log can be printed or saved to a file for reviewing at a later date. An option is included to create a text file of the log that can be imported into other documents.
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